Grilled pork with jalapeno/ginger/lime dressing


If you ever want to switch things up at the grill, I say reach for a pork tenderloin. It’s lean and it grills up for a mean dinner.

This recipe came from Bobby Flay’s “Grilling for Life,” a gift to my bf one year. It was easy and cheap – roughly $15 that feeds five people easily.

First, the maranade (for 2 pounds of pork tenderloin):


Process 6 green onions, 2 seeded (or not) jalapenos, 2 inches of ginger, zest from 2 limes, 1/4 c. lime juice and a couple tablespoons of canola oil. Add in 1 T of soy sauce and 1 tsp of sesame oil (adjust this to your tastes).


Reserve half of the sauce for later. Marinate the pork (two tenderloins equaling 2 lbs) in the rest of it for at least 30 minutes.


Finally, grill the pork over direct heat for about five minutes on each side. Maybe 15-20 minutes total.  Rest the meat for 5 minutes…


Then cut the pork and serve with more sauce to spoon over. The meat should be tender and a little pink in the middle.


We ate this with steamed veggies and a spinach-strawberry salad with poppyseed dressing. Yum!!!

4 responses to “Grilled pork with jalapeno/ginger/lime dressing

  1. Yum!!! Will have to try this one.

  2. Yum!

    Yesterday I tried out the old gas grill my dad gave me. It was a disaster! But I learned a few things and feel more confident in the burger I’m going to grill tonight.

    I think I have a pork loin in the freezer and might have to try this out.

  3. While it looks like I copied Paolo in verbiage, I actually was writing at the same time, but work interfered before I hit submit.

  4. This would be good on chicken or fish, too!

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